Success Redefined is the podcast for the creative entrepreneurs and emerging leaders who choose to live life their way.
It is the podcast where you learn how to stay in control of your daily choices, grow as a person, develop some fantastic work and life habits, supercharge your performance, accomplish your biggest goals and make some great things happen in your life, with leadership, alignment and ease.

Podcastul Despre Ce Vorbim? este un podcast ce aduce in prim plan teme relevante pentru toti cei dornici de a intelege dezvoltarea personala si potentialul uman, de a-si extinde gandirea si modul de a percepe lumea, de a deveni versiunea lor cea mai buna, precum si de a isi asuma rolul propriu in crearea unei realitati definite de succes, implinire si acceptare neconditionata fata de sine si cei din jur.